Beach Babies Child Care

Lewes, Rehoboth, Milford, & Townsend


Infant Program

Your Infant’s Day

Our teachers follow the schedule of the infant and not the clock. This rhythmic response that involves communication with parents to assess what the infant’s current needs might be.

Infants eat and nap according to their own schedules. Families must communicate the child’s schedule including when the child should eat, receive bottles, and/or sleep.

Diapers are checked throughout the day and changed every (2) hours or as needed. The time, as well as the number and nature of changes, are recorded.

The classroom environment is arranged to increase the children’s growth and development in the following areas: gross and fine motor, emotional, cognitive, language, and self-help.

Infant Curriculum

Research has shown that engaging infants in interactive experiences that involve sensory, motor, and social explorations will build brain connections. Our curriculum involves stimulation, sand and water play, puzzles, manipulative toys, books and music. Talking, reading and singing are important interactions as well. Walks and outdoor play is also part of the day.

In addition to nutrition and daily needs, your infant will explore the world around them through language (babbling), gross motor skills and fine motor skills (holding a bottle independently). Our teachers will sing to the children and rock them periodically throughout the day. These interactions foster their cognitive and emotional development.

In their classroom, teachers play with the babies on mats for tummy time and also encourage sitting up, crawling and standing. Mirrors at their level stimulate recognition and encourage children to pull themselves up at the sight of their reflection.

We will also display family photos to emulate their home environment. We want every child to feel happy, safe and secure in our care. Our teachers will be responsive to each infant’s needs and daily routines while partnering with you.

Our Beliefs:

  • Each child is a unique individual
  • By providing children with developmentally appropriate programs that focus their process of learning, they enjoy successful experiences
  • In an environment where parent participation is encouraged, a child thrives.
  • Our carefully selected staff are a key component of our program
  • The ability to value, respect, and sensitively respond to each child’s needs makes our program so successful

Days We Are Closed:

  • New Year’s Eve – Closed at 12pm
  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • July 4th
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Day After Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day
  • 2 professional development days

We are a 5 STAR Program!

Delaware Stars promotes high-quality early learning for young children and sets the stars quality rating that guides families seeking the best program for their child


We participate in many different tuition assistance programs.

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Knowledge and advice from a confident team of care providers.

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