Beach Babies Child Care

Lewes, Rehoboth, Milford, & Townsend


Toddler Program

In their constant explorations, toddlers demonstrate endless curiosity, a short attention span, and a sense of autonomy as well as a need for physical movement and personal will. However, they are still developing self-expression and self-control and depend on predictability in their daily routine as a basis for security.

Our teachers will provide a nurturing environment with a predictable schedule that includes indoor and outdoor exploration, one-on-one time and the flexibility to accommodate individual physical requirements for food and rest.

Group time will include singing, listening to short stories, dancing and similar activities that do not require prolonged sitting. All group and teacher directed activities are voluntary participation.

Toddler Curriculum and Milestones

Beach Babies curriculum programs provide developmentally age-appropriate activities and materials, developing essential school readiness skills through exploration, investigation, and of course, fun! It is very important to understand that all children develop at their own rate. Below are some typical milestones you can expect to occur during the first years of growth.

Development/Emergent Literacy

  • Points to objects when named
  • Experiments with sounds
  • Names familiar objects in books


  • Shows interest in colors and patterns
  • Matches like shapes in simple puzzles
  • Fills and dumps objects

Learning About the World/Science

  • Uses senses to explore
  • Manipulates new toys/objects to see what they will do
  • Shows interest in environment (rocks, clouds, etc.)

Social & Emotional Development

  • Begins to play independently
  • Discovers how to respond to social situations
  • Awareness of own feelings

Approaches to Learning

  • Shows curiosity about new things
  • Uses repetition to discover new skills
  • Tries one or two solutions to play problems

Physical and Health Development

  • Stacks blocks or toys
  • Walks without help; begins climbing
  • Makes marks with writing materials

Our Beliefs:

  • Each child is a unique individual
  • By providing children with developmentally appropriate programs that focus their process of learning, they enjoy successful experiences
  • In an environment where parent participation is encouraged, a child thrives.
  • Our carefully selected staff are a key component of our program
  • The ability to value, respect, and sensitively respond to each child’s needs makes our program so successful

Days We Are Closed:

  • New Year’s Eve – Closed at 12pm
  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • July 4th
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Day After Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day
  • 2 professional development days

We are a 5 STAR Program!

Delaware Stars promotes high-quality early learning for young children and sets the stars quality rating that guides families seeking the best program for their child


We participate in many different tuition assistance programs.

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Knowledge and advice from a confident team of care providers.

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