Beach Babies Child Care

Lewes, Rehoboth, Milford, & Townsend


Rehoboth Center

Beach Babies childcare is the ideal environment for infants through school-age children. We are sensitive to each child’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical needs. We provide developmentally appropriate programs that focus on the process of learning and help children enjoy successful experiences.

We respect parents as the most significant providers of care and nurturing. We encourage our parents to become involved in our program, as much as their schedule allows. A child thrives where there is a positive and encouraging atmosphere between daycare and home.

We carefully select our staff based on their knowledge of Early Childhood Development, and their ability to value, respect and sensitively respond to each child’s individual needs. We strive each day to provide quality Early Childhood Educational Services in our community. We continually work to earn the trust placed in us.

Parent Handbook

Our Beliefs:

  • Each child is a unique individual
  • By providing children with developmentally appropriate programs that focus their process of learning, they enjoy successful experiences
  • In an environment where parent participation is encouraged, a child thrives.
  • Our carefully selected staff are a key component of our program
  • The ability to value, respect, and sensitively respond to each child’s needs makes our program so successful

Days We Are Closed:

  • New Year’s Eve – Closed at 12pm
  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • July 4th
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Day After Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day
  • 2 professional development days

We are a 5 STAR Program!

Delaware Stars promotes high-quality early learning for young children and sets the stars quality rating that guides families seeking the best program for their child

Our Facilities


We participate in many different tuition assistance programs.

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Knowledge and advice from a confident team of care providers.

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